Review Link

R&R Self Storage of Jasper has 6 storage facilities in Jasper, GA. We are proud to be a part of the prosperity of our community.
So, let’s talk about the importance of reviews from our customers and clients. The storage industry is no different than any other industry. We strive to keep our customer’s happy and we ask for reviews so the consumer knows we can be trusted. Google definitely has the market wrangled when it comes to reviews.
I recently had a tenant change a negative review to a 5-star review, only to change it a day later to a 1-star review. Was R&R Self Storage of Jasper deserving of said negative review? No. But – said review still remains.
Happy Reviews for R&R Self Storage of Jasper
These are great reviews that we received for our diligent hard work. Below are some guidelines to leaving a review that people can relate to, count on, and trust.
- Provide Information about yourself. Help others understand your perspective would match up with theirs. You don’t have to be extremely specific in the online review, but it’s helpful to give some basic understanding. If it’s a local business: are you from the community or are you visiting from out of town? If it’s a product: did you buy it personally? When readers know they have things in common with you, it makes them take your review more seriously – we feel a connection because we place value in someone else describing their personal feelings and experience with us. Trustpilot provides us with 8 great tips for writing a review.
- Describe what you bought/did. If you went out to dinner at a restaurant, tell the reader what you received and your experience. You can throw a picture or two in there as well! If you shopped online, describe your item and the details: the fit, the material, the shipping – all of it. If you visited a destination or toured somewhere, share the specific information regarding exhibits or areas you saw. Also consider mentioning how you found the business – was it Google or Yelp or Bing or Google Maps? Let everyone know how you came to encounter the business and or your experience.
- Be specific. Reviews that just give general information about the business overall seem less genuine and don’t carry that “TRUST” factor that we are looking for. Terakeet wrote “Customers are 63% more likely to trust brands with online reviews compared to brands with no reviews.” What did you like about your experience? What DIDN’T you like? If you are taking the time to post a review, make it a genuine review that voices your thoughts and concerns as well as what you like.
- Give tips and suggestions. It is difficult to leave feelings and emotion at the door when sharing a review. Some reviews are just simply negative, but is that negative review filled with clear emotion and feelings? “I was very unhappy with this experience” – why? If I read this review, I would immediately feel like this person was disgruntled in some way, and there is usually a backstory that you’re not hearing. Review Trackers wrote a great article about how to deal with negative reviews. It should be fairly easy to discern a negative review based on feelings and emotion.
- Provide insight if you’ve been involved with a similar company. You came to the dentist with your children. Last week, your regular dentist referred you to the new dentist. The new dentist has places for your kids to play and snacks. These are amenities that the new dentist provides that you should include in your review. Not everyone needs those amenities, but it is nice to know they exist at this location
- Phrase your negative feedback in a positive way. The purpose for a review is to educate a prospective client because you have first hand knowledge. Negative reviews showing lots of emotion are not taken seriously unless they are written professionally and with caution. What was negative, specifically? Be thorough in your explanation because you are informing a new consumer. We can pick and choose what we take from your review.
- Tell a story. I am a visual person. Think Airbnb. When a guest leaves a review, that guest is speaking to future guests staying with this host. Was the house clean? Did the pictures look like they did on the listing? Were the grounds kept up? If the host provided something special, LET US KNOW! We love those little touches! R&R Self Storage of Jasper was recently involved in helping The Carriage House restaurant in Jasper in collecting toys for Toys for Tots due to a theft. Carriage House told their story and the Pickens County community banded together to help. THAT is a positive review worthy story right there!
- Share all the experiences – the good, the bad and the ugly! We know that a 1-star review is likely a very bad experience, or a review based on emotion and feelings. But, if you have consistent sub-par reviews, your credibility is going to be immediately in question. If all the reviews are 5-star, the reader will likely place trust in the product or company.
- Ask for reviews. Get as many as you can organically, but when you can’t – ask! Excellent blog by wordstream walks us through how to ask for reviews.
A bad review is like baking a cake with all the best ingredients and having someone sit on it
Danielle Steele
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